In the animUI, attributes are organized in Sections. Each section has a name and can contain any number of attributes (including none). Sections serve two purposes in the setup:

  • They group the attribute sliders into different collapsable areas in the lower part of the UI.

  • They are used to quickly select the attributes to operate on when using presets and the mirroring functions.

Creating sections and including attributes in the setup is done in the Section Manager.


Since version 2.1.0 of the script, you can also export your sections into the library. See 4.8 Preset/Section Library.

The Section List

The list on the upper right side of the UI is the section list. It contains all sections that you’ve set up for The Current Object.


Double-click on a section to expand its container and scroll to it in the lower part of the UI.

Section List: Right-Click Menu

This menu will show up when you right-click in the section list.

Opens the “Preset/Section Library”Mute/Unmute attributes of selected sectionsLock/Unlock attributes of selected sectionsOpens the “Section Manager”Opens the “Define Symmetry” windowSets a keyframe on the attributes of the selected sectionsRebuilds sliders and lists

Key Selected Sections

Sets a keyframe on all attributes of the sections that are selected in the section list.

Refresh UI

Rebuilds all the sliders and the lists’ contents. This might be useful when you’ve e.g. changed the bilateral state of a bcs weight and need to update the sliders.

Lock/Unlock and Mute/Unmute

These are just convenience functions for locking and muting all attributes of the selected sections.

Section List: CTRL+Right-Click Menu

This menu will show up when you right-click in the section list while holding down the CTRL key.


The view menu was previously opened using the middle mouse button. As this doesn’t work in Linux with Maya 2010 and earlier, CTRL+right-click is now used instead. On Windows, the old middle-click behaviour is still supported but is considered deprecated for consistency’s sake.

Collapses all attribute containersExpands all attribute containersCollapses the selected sectionsExpands the selected sectionsScrolls to the selected section

Collapse All Sections

Collapses all attribute containers in the lower part of the UI.

Expand All Sections

Expands all attribute containers in the lower part of the UI.

Collapse Selected

Collapses the selected sections’ containers in the lower part of the UI.

Expand Selected

Expands the selected sections’ containers in the lower part of the UI.

Go To Section

Scrolls the lower part of the UI to the selected section so that you can start tweaking the attributes.

Mirror Sections

The area above the section list has two marking menus. One for the right and one for the middle mouse button.

Mirrors from bottom to topMirrors from top to bottomMirrors from right to leftMirrors from left to right

Flips top-bottomFlips left-right


Top << Bottom

Takes the attributes of the selected sections and copies the values of the attributes defined as bottom (if any) to their corresponding top attribute. This effectively mirrors from bottom to top.

Top >> Bottom

Same as above, but copies from the Top to the Bottom attributes.

Left << Right

Same as above, but copies from the Right to the Left attributes.

Left >> Right

Same as above, but copies from the Left to the Right attributes.

Top <-> Bottom

Takes the attributes of the selected sections and exchanges the values of the top-bottom pairs. This effectively flips their values.

Left <-> Right

Same as above, but flips the values of the left-right pairs.

Advanced Info

To use these features, the script needs to know which attributes belong together, of course. In most cases, this is found out automatically based on the attribute names. There are situations in which this doesn’t work. To still be able to use syncing, you can manually define left-right and top-bottom pairs using the Define Symmetry window.