
:: DPK Scripts/Plugins ::

DPK Scripts :: Maya Scripts/Plugins :: Rigging/Animation :: DPK_acsDataPointTools
This script can be used to do mathematical operations on data points of an acs node (created with DPK_attrCombinationSystemUI.mel).

It can:
  • Do various mathematical operations, including setting the values of the data points to a defined value, adding a defined value, multiplying, and randomizing among many others.
  • Apply all the changes to a certain amount, called the "weight" of the operation. This way, you can e.g. "move" all the values by 50% towards 10.
  • Work on a selection of outputs. These can be filtered using any number of patterns. Every output that matches any of the filters will be listed.
  • Only change the non-zero values or all outputs' values.
  • Operate on the relative or absolute values of the data points.
  • Interact with the window of the DPK_attrCombinationSystemUI script. The data points that are selected in this window can be used, or all data points of the acs nodes that are selected in the acs list.
  • Work on any number of acs nodes simultaneously.
Creator: Daniel Pook-Kolb
Version: 1.00
Date Added: Oct 17, 2004
Last Download: Feb 12, 2025 (5:26 AM)
Downloads: 979
All times are CET

Copyright © 2022, Daniel Pook-Kolb